The Lyric Theatre has new owners

The Northern Buller Communities Society (NBCS) transferred ownership of The Lyric Theatre in Granity to a new charity on November 10th 2023.

Society Chair, Kath Rose said the Society’s executive committee and membership had decided the time was right, having completed a nine-year restoration effort following Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ita in 2014 which destroyed the roof of the theatre and left the interior exposed to the elements. “We have guided and enabled the building’s restoration and reopening but the theatre needed an organisation solely focussed on growing it as a place for community and public events".

Ms Rose said the Society responded to a community-driven request to keep and restore the building. “Countless hours were spent on consent documents and funding applications followed by hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on replacing the roof, earthquake strengthening, rewiring, relining and redecorating the interior.” Ms Rose said the challenges faced to commit to restoring the building had been huge.

“We sincerely thank all those involved, including the Society’s Executive Committee, its Lyric Theatre Subcommittee, a huge number of dedicated volunteers, supporters and the many contractors that brought this building ‘back from the brink’. We can all be very proud of that achievement.” She said the new owners have big plans for the theatre and are enthusiastic about its future. “We wish them all the very best”.

Over 30 members of the community, many of whom were involved in the restoration, formed a charitable society - The Lyric Theatre, Granity, Incorporated - with the aim of financial sustainability while fostering opportunities for their community to access, participate in and enjoy performing arts and live music. Northern Buller Communities Society Secretary/Treasurer Jackie Mathers, said the sale of the theatre to another charity involved a very robust process starting with a recommendation from the executive committee to a Special General Meeting of members in early April where approval was given to proceed. The Society then moved on to advertising for expressions of interest, gathered further information from interested parties, and a five member panel of society members was nominated to assess applications. “Our members were kept informed throughout the process, and we have worked very hard to ensure the theatre is going to the right organisation and to place that organisation in a sound financial starting position.”

Carlos de Treend, Chair of TLTG Inc., says the newly-formed committee is enthused with the rare opportunity to give back to their community in a meaningful way. “We are incredibly grateful to the Northern Buller Communities Society and the volunteer workforce for their significant mahi in restoring and reopening this historic venue and further, for the support they have continued to provide throughout the process.

"We recognise the momentum they have built must continue to grow, our team are ready to carry the torch through the next series of challenges."

"Our aim is to further strengthen The Lyric Theatre’s relationship to the people of the community, neighbouring businesses and other live entertainment venues on the West Coast."

"We acknowledge there are unique challenges in remote communities and firmly believe continuing the legacy of providing a safe, supportive and inclusive space for people of all ages to access and engage with the arts is paramount to the identity of The Lyric Theatre and to the community it serves."
Settlement Westport News 20231110

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