Strengthening connections to Granity School

A vital relationship has been rekindled at The Lyric Theatre - we were thrilled to receive Granity School this week to have a hot chocolate, a history lesson and to answer the question "Where in the world is Granity".

The ākonga (students) came prepared with a genuinely intriguing series of questions about the theatre, its history and connection to the school.
Carlos treated the ākonga and their kaiako (teachers) to a fantastic slideshow presentation that covered everything from the humble beginnings to the multiple rebuilds as well as some of the events of the past. We even delved into some theatre superstition (including the fabled 'ghost-light') and all the ākonga wanted to know about ghosts! Alas, we did not encounter any apparitions during this visit but Carlos and I led everyone around for a tour.

Carlos showed off the theatre’s fantastic costume department, historic film projectors and the beautiful mezzanine area. I got everyone through the stage, backstage and green room and, as the ākonga and kaiako discovered, the green room is not called the green room simply because it is green! In fact, there is no singular explanation as to why dressing rooms have been called greenrooms but it’s a tradition going back hundreds of years.

Everyone quickly learned there is a lot of tradition and superstition surrounding theatres. After a good amount of Q&A, it was time for the wonderful ākonga and kaiako to head back to school.

It was truly fantastic to see so many excited faces and hear how keen Granity School was to continue to rebuild the connection they’ve had with the theatre. We may have quite a few theatre kids emerging soon so look out for them on the grand stage of The Lyric Theatre!